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About Surf Park Central

Surf Park Central is the leading source for fact-based industry intelligence and professional networking access for the surf-anchored real estate development industry.  We gather the industry’s top minds including real estate developers, investors, operators, wave tech manufacturers, service providers, academics, industry experts and athletes to discuss the opportunities and challenges related to all aspects of planning, developing, financing and operating man-made surf destinations.

Industry leaders join Surf Park Central’s Insiders network and attend our Annual Summit Event to share industry knowledge, discuss best practices, build professional networks, and make new surf pool projects happen.

As we see it, the vision for the surf park industry is clear – foster and promote the growth and advancement of authentic, sustainable and profitable surf experiences to grow the surf industry and provide the mental, physical and emotional stoke of surfing to those that do not have access to the ocean. 

We value smart practices that provide long-term success for our surfers, our businesses, and our planet.  And we support efforts towards the growth of sustainable practices in development & operations, democratizing access for all locations and physical abilities, and the technological development & innovation in wave technology.

Surf Park Central was founded in 2012 by John Luff, a successful surf park developer and industry expert, and Dr. Jess Ponting, a Professor of Sustainable Surfing Tourism from San Diego State University, with a mission to accelerate the successful growth of surf parks. In September 2013, Surf Park Central hosted the first ever Surf Park Summit in Laguna Beach, California.  

What was then a small gathering of dedicated investors, surfers and wave engineers intent on creating the ideal surfing waves for man-made wave pools, has now grown into a full-blown industry with over 150 surf parks in development around the world.  

Since the first Summit we’ve cemented ourselves as the go-to resource for all surf park and surf pool news and information, with a growing loyal network of 275,000+ followers. Our audience and contributors consist of real estate developers, investors, retailers, resort owners and operators, action sports enthusiasts, professional surfers, entrepreneurs, wave technology providers, suppliers and professional service companies and industry stakeholders around the world.

Surf Park Central’s Annual Summit Event hosts hundreds of attendees, and our robust on-line Insiders Member Community is the go-to industry source for reliable and informative content, resources and connections for those dedicated to the growth and advancement of the surf parks. 

For more information on membership, content materials or sponsoring the Annual Summit Event contact [email protected]



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Interview w/Damon Tudor & Craig Stoddart on New Business, THINKING ADRENALINE, at Surf Park Summit


When building a surf park from the ground up, one of the first steps is selecting the right location...