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American Wave Machines – Wave Pools and Wave Machines

American Wave Machines | SurfStream and PerfectSwell Wave Technology | Surf Park Central
[zilla_tabs] [zilla_tab title=”About“]American Wave Machines designs, engineers, manufactures and develops world class surf pools, wave systems and surf parks. Founded in 2000 by California surfer Bruce McFarland, the company is committed to delivering authentic surfing experiences that encompass the best of beach culture and the surf lifestyle. The technology to create ideal conditions for surfing in a safe and controlled environment any time of the year anywhere in the world is now available.

PerfectSwell® is a surf pool system capable of creating an authentic surfing experience that delivers 100% real ocean dynamics found in nature. SurfStream® is a standing wave machine that delivers a deep water stationary surfing experience (on real surfboards) scalable to various spaces. From the Caribbean to Sweden, American Wave machines has developed more than 15 small and large-scale installations exclusively for surf parks, water parks, resorts, shopping centers and research institutions.

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To learn more, contact American Wave Machines directly here:

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Surf_Orbit_2 Cropped

Surf Pool – PerfectSwell®

PerfectSwell® is the first pneumatic wave generator to replicate the circular motions that occur within wind-generated ocean swells. The patent-pending design can be integrated into new or existing surf pools, reducing rip currents and energy buildup, and generating breaking waves with the same profile as ocean surf.

American Wave Machines- American Dream- Meadowlands NJ

Standing Waves – SurfStream®

Rob Kelly Barreled at Surfs Up NH

SurfStream® is the first standing wave surf pool that creates an authentic surfing experience anytime, anywhere. Riders can use real surfboards with fins to surf on a deep cushion with water that creates an endless wave. SurfStream accomplishes this in a compact area, without the need for a large surge tank or surf-pool type installation. With a tubing barrel module option and wave adjustability, SurfStream provides the ultimate “long ride.” Bottom turn, hit the lip and get pitted.



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Arizona Surf Park Development Tour