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Man Made Wave is SSA Official Training Wave for Swiss Olympic Surfers

The Wave Factory Citywave will be the Official Training Wave of the Swiss Surfing Association

Announced by The Swiss Surfing Association and The Wave Factory via their respective social media accounts this morning, Olympic surf training will officially be taking place on a wave machine! This marks a historic moment in the surf park and man made wave industry realm as this is the first ISA National Governing Body to declare a surf pool as their ‘Official Training Wave’.

Considering that the ISA (International Surfing Association) is recognized as the sport of surfing’s official governing body by The International Olympic Committee this is a big moment in the future of surfing beyond the ocean.

The Wave Factory | Swiss Surfing Association Olympic Training | Surf Park Central

The Wave Factory Citywave. Photo: The Wave Factory

Via the Swiss Surfing Association on Instagram (@swisssurfing): Aloha Switzerland – we have incredible NEWS for you right in time for the weekend! As you all already know, surfing is going to be part of the OLYMPICS as of 2020. We are very excited about this promising step towards our goal of seeing our team of Swiss surfers at the Olympic Games. In the course of this great progress we are thrilled to announce that The Wave Factory Citywave will be the new OFFICIAL TRAINING WAVE of the SSA within Switzerland. We are very excited to strengthen our partnership and to shape the future of Swiss Surfing together.”

Swiss Surfing’s Olympic Hopefuls to Train in The Wave Factory Citywave surf pool

Via The Wave Factory on Instagram (@thewavefactory): “Aloha Switzerland, on the weekend we can announce some great news: since surfing will be olympic in 2020 and the Swiss surfers want to be part of the show, the Swiss Surf scene is now moving closer together. We are pleased to inform you that The Wave Factory and SSA @swisssurfing will work even more closely together. The CityWave ( ) from The Wave Factory will be officially recognized as a training center within Switzerland by the SSA. We are, of course, super-happy and are very happy to have a great partner at our side with the SSA!”

Arizona Surf Park Development Tour
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