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SURFER Highlights the Growing Surf Park Scene and the Fight for Dominance

SURFER, one of the biggest names in surfing media, highlights the growing popularity of surf parks. A new feature highlights the upcoming opening of URBNSURF Sydney and examines the competitors.

surf parks around the world
(Source: URBNSURF Sydney)

It’s no secret that the number of surf parks has increased, and with that comes more money invested in the industry. This popularity has propelled wave technology companies to fight for dominance in creating the ultimate surfing experience. 

The article goes on to say in part, “It seems the various technologies are coming out swinging. That is understandable, given a recent market report valued the wave pool industry at $1.4 billion in 2023, and is to almost double in size by 2030. The pneumatic technology (Wavegarden) is the basis of other wave pool technology in the market. While each company’s tech is different, they use air management via both vacuum and pressure to create a wave pulse. The pulse exits through chambers to create sequences of ocean-like waves.”

You can read the entire feature here.

Arizona Surf Park Development Tour
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