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URBNSURF Melbourne to Begin Making Waves Easter of 2019

As the old adage goes, epic waves come to those who wait.

Jack Freestone Wavegarden Cove Urbnsurf - Surf Park Central
Jack Freestone at the Wavegarden Cove demo center. Image: URBNSURF / Ed Sloane

PRESS RELEASE // Wednesday, 6 February 2019

URBNSURF (, @urbnsurf), Australia’s leading surf park developer, today announced that the construction of its ‘URBNSURF Melbourne’ surfing lagoon is nearing completion, and is on track to be pumping out perfect waves at its Melbourne Airport, Tullamarine location around Easter 2019.

Urbnsurf Melbourne Construction Wavegarden Cove - Surf Park Central
URBNSURF Melbourne’s Wavegarden Cove. Water coming soon.. Image: URBNSURF

Since commencing construction in Autumn 2018, the development of the first commercial surf park in the Southern Hemisphere has rapidly progressed. Major earthworks, civil construction and services installation are now largely complete, and the heart of URBNSURF Melbourne’s surfing lagoon – the world’s first full-scale Wavegarden ‘Cove’ wave generator – has been installed.

Urbnsurf Melbourne wave generating system Wavegarden Cove wave tech - Surf Park Central
URBNSURF’s recently installed Wavegarden Cove wave generator. Image: URBNSURF

URBNSURF is now on the final countdown to filling its Melbourne lagoon, ahead of producing first waves around Easter 2019.

URBNSURF’s Founder and Executive Director, Andrew Ross, said “We’re stoked with the progress that we’ve made on site over the last few months, with our next-generation wave generator successfully installed and the surf lagoon rapidly taking shape. When you walk around the lagoon and witness the scale of the structures, it’s hard to believe this was just a vacant piece of land less than 12 months ago.”

Andrew Ross Urbnsurf Wavegarden Cove wave generator - Surf Park Central
URBNSURF Founder Andrew Ross standing next to the Wavegarden Cove wave generator. Image: URBNSURF

He added, “It’s an incredibly exciting time for us at the moment – we can’t wait to turn on the hose, fill the lagoon, and start pumping out perfect waves around Easter when surfers from around the world are focused on the Australian leg of the surfing World Championship Tour.

Once first waves have been produced, the wave generator and lagoon will be fine-tuned during a testing and commissioning period conducted over Winter 2019, ahead of URBNSURF Melbourne opening to the public in Spring 2019 (Australian Spring runs from September – November).

URBNSURF Founder Andrew Ross standing on the central pier of the soon to be filled and operating Wavegarden Cove surf lagoon. Image: URBNSURF

Mr Ross said, “We’ll be developing a range of new waves, trialling custom surfboard designs, and testing other surf equipment during our Winter commissioning period to ensure amazing experiences are delivered to our guests when we open in Spring. Our list of test pilots who want to surf it first is growing fast!”

He added, “We’re incredibly thankful for the support offered by Melbourne surfers, and the Victorian surfing community, as we continue to work tirelessly to provide safe, convenient and accessible opportunities to surf more.”

Registrations of interest to surf it first can be made now via

About URBNSURF Melbourne

Located adjacent to the Essendon Football Club, and just minutes from Melbourne Airport’s terminals, ‘URBNSURF Melbourne’ is a world-class surf sports, leisure and entertainment venue centred around a next-generation, 2-hectare (5 acre) surfing lagoon that is able to produce up to 1,000 surfing waves per hour.

Within its crystal-clear lagoon, URBNSURF Melbourne will deliver authentic, safe, and convenient surfing experiences, in the form of surf sessions and surf lessons, for up to 84 surfers per hour, day and night, year-round.

Capable of generating knee-high, rolling whitewash waves suitable for new and beginner surfers, right through to 2.0m (6.5’+) high steep, barreling waves that will challenge even the most experienced surfers, URBNSURF Melbourne can accommodate surfers of all ages and ability across six separate surfing zones.

With a modular, minimalist design, URBNSURF Melbourne will also feature a licensed café and restaurant (open to the public free of charge), a concept surf shop, a fully-equipped hire centre offering the latest boards and wetsuits, night surfing, a surf academy, high performance coaching and training options, festivals, events and surfing competitions, lagoon-side pools and skate ramps, and relaxing, landscaped open spaces.

Arizona Surf Park Development Tour
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