From tandem tubes at The Surf Ranch, to fins-first mini-slabs at the Palm Springs Surf Club, Jamie O’Brien has clocked a ton of surf pool barrel time recently. In this edit, O’Brien is the latest to test the PSSC tech. While the wedges at the PSSC are entirely different from the 55-second screamers at The Surf Ranch, both look equally as fun. Judging from the giddiness and smile on O’Brien in both pools, it’d be hard to coin one as better than the other, just as a perfect point break barrel at Kirra is just as much fun as a crystal blue wedge in the Caribbean. Click play to watch O’Brien take his own creative approach to the PSSC, and even manage to get spit out of a perfect little tube while riding fins first. If the PSSC is this fun to watch, we can’t imagine how fun it is to actually surf.

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