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Is Surfing Ready to Leave the Ocean | Wave Pool Surf News

Is Surfing Ready to Leave the Ocean | Wavegarden Wave Pools

“We could be on the cusp of a established wave pool on the tour becoming reality. The technology has now overtook the dream, with engineers forming stone and metal to bring water to life, pitching over head perfect barrels, all day, every day, take a deep breath! Wave Garden have already started construction of it’s public facility which is scheduled to open in mid 2012. 11x World Champion Kelly Slater and avant-garde Australian shaper Greg Webber both have utopian ancestry, Webber searching what’s possible with a board, Slater what’s possible on a board, both have been occupied re-imagining what surfing might become should their individual ideas come to practice, so why you’d want to when you’ve got perfectly good oceans delivering waves for all eternity?” – Read the full article on Surf News

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