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American Wave Machines

ESPN XGames on Surf Parks, Wave Pools & the Future of Surfing

Future of Surfing | Jake Howard ESPN XGames | Surf Park Central

“The pool’s engineer pulled out an iPad, opened an app, and proceeded to create a perfect three-foot standing wave. The kids’ faces lit up. They sprung to life, pulling on wetsuits and waxing boards. As far as they were concerned it was eight-foot and offshore. With the swipe of a finger their surf lives had changed.” – Jake Howard, ESPN (Read the full article here)

Check out the video interview with American Wave Machines below currently featured on ESPN: 

American Wave Machines Interviewed by Jake Howard | ESPN XGames

“It’s a huge training tool for these ESA kids that don’t get to surf for long periods of time. Now they can get wet, work on technique and still feel like they’re surfing. But you can also change it up and teach a whole group of beginners. It’s very dynamic.” – Todd Holland — Former ASP World Tour Surfer & owner of School of Surf in Cococa Beach, FL

Todd Holland | Future of Surfing | ASP World Tour
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