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American Wave Machines

Jamie O’Brien & Cheyne Magnussons’ First Sessions at BSR

Airs, turns, tubes, sets, lefts, and rights all on demand. BSR is now producing the type of surf you normally have to wait for.

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Here is Jamie O’Brien at BSR with some friends.


May 8, 2018. Over the weekend while all eyes were on the 5 teams that were battling it out at Kelly’s Surf Ranch, BSR successfully shifted the attention in their favor. They started by giving the world our first glimpse at what now is a revolutionary technology for the sport of surfing.

The first images brought back memories of one of the first wave pool unveils – Surf Snowdonia.

The early morning light and the uncertainty of what you were even looking at slowly turned into a one-minute shot of possibly the best wave we’ve ever seen roll through a pool.

Upon first sight, while everyone was losing their heads, the main question and concern was…How big is it?

Of course, this is probably what they wanted. After letting the world sit on that short clip for the weekend, the American Wave Machines group dropped another video yesterday of Jamie and Cheyne unloading an attack on the new wave pool in Waco, Texas.

The clip shows us what this new American Wave Machines PerfectSwell™ technology is all about. Three wave sets, barrels and a variety of different wave options. Each setting is full-on and each clip proves that.

Seth Moniz absolutely nailing the inside air section.

Every wave in an American Wave Machines PerfectSwell pool can be mirrored and replicated as shown here with Rob Kelly.

BSR Surf Resort will be open to the public soon and hour-long sessions are priced at $60 per session. Other pricing and membership options are available.



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